Honoring Women in Service

Honoring Women in Service

It’s been a great week in production. For several months we have been working on a special we have titled “Honoring Women in Service.” Several of the women that are included in our interviews were attending the American Legion World Series in Shelby.

Upon realizing that there was a gathering that included so many of these incredible women we booked the historic Bankers House in Shelby as a venue for the interviews. Before long we had fully scheduled three days.
I have conducted a lot of interviews over the years, and I remember many of them. However, I am confident that I will not forget the significance of the interviews with these women who have served our nation.

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The Flag Man

The Flag Man

One of the many benefits of being in the Carolinas is the beauty of the four seasons, which provides constant change for our drives. I was recently on such a road while on the way for an interview with Air Force veteran Bud Byers. As we would say, Bud lives out in the country. I was enjoying the drive and all the sudden as I was coming out of modest curve I saw what can best be described as an impressive Veterans Flag memorial garden. Situated in the gentle arc of the road, as if the road was placed perfectly to allow drivers to get an effortless view.

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